CDPLA34B.ZIP 290855 08-18-94 CDPlayer v3.4b Windows Audio CD Player for both Windows and DOS. Provides all the functions associated with a normal CD player CDW302.ZIP 169525 09-27-94 CD Wizzard v3.02: MS-Windows audio CD player w/buttons for play, pause, stop, eject, track reverse, reverse skip, forward skip, & MORE maintains database for disc/track names; GLDWAV21.ZIP 281698 08-12-94 GoldWave V2.10. A full 16-bit stereo sound editor, player & recorder for Windows M4W210SX.ZIP 1212117 09-30-94 Mod4Win V2.10 This is a player for digital music modules on IBM-PC under Windows Supports nst,mod, .wow, .okt, .stm, S3M FAR, 669, andmtm up to 32 channels. 20-50% faster than version 2.00. OUTKAST1.ZIP 171268 08-03-94 WAV Sample from "Player's Ball" by OutKast. SSAMP07.ZIP 40388 08-22-94 SimpSamp v0.7: MS-WindowsWAV-file player; playback of up to 128 different samples can be triggered by incoming MIDI Note On messages, or w/the built-in simulated MIDI keyboard; VOCAL11.ZIP 37605 10-05-94 Vocal CD - Music CD player for Windows 3.1 Vocal CD has all the functions of an average CD player, plus it allows you to input the lyrics to your songs, time them, and it will scroll the words across the screen as the performer sings them. WMKR106A.ZIP 37568 06-28-94 WavMaker v1.06A: MS-Windows pgm which will generate audio "wav" files; the format can be stereo/mono, 8/16 bit, & 1 of 3 sample rates;